Replacement Rods for “My Double” Dress Form

A commenter left a tip for me, so I was able to buy an incomplete set of fitting rods for Miss Bedelia (thanks, Janice!).  Once I saw them I was able to figure out how to make replacement rods of my own.  The original rods are in two pieces, and slide to adjust.

There’s a little button that fits into a slot, once the right size is reached.  Inside each end is a brass-colored tab of soft metal (likely brass, in fact) that secures each rod end onto part of the dress form.  You can probably just make it out in the image above.  (I forgot to take a picture of the rods before I used them.)

I made mine of 3/8th of an inch wooden dowels, large brass fasteners from an office supply store, and tape.  (I used the cable ties to hold the top of the frame to the shoulder rod.)  After fitting the dress form to my body, I ran the dowels through the areas where the supporting rods belonged, per the instruction booklet.  I then cut each dowel just short of that length, and capped one end with a brass fastener.

Keeping the “legs” of the fastener along the dowel, I taped just under the fastener’s cap, attaching it to the dowel.  I used two pieces of tape, for extra security, and then ran the dowel through the dummy.  (Most rods must go through an eye bolt; the dowel is small enough to do that, but the brass fasteners are not.)

Then I attached another fastener to the other end of the rod, pushed it back into place, folded the ends of the fastener up, and wrapped them around the My Double shell.  Voilà!

Replacement rods for the My Double forms are hard to find, and, typically, expensive.  Rods are essential, though, and keep the dress form surprisingly stable.

Do remember to move or turn your dress form using the long vertical center rod — turn it by reaching into the neck — because the mesh will deform in unsupported areas if you aren’t careful.

My rods came in this charming box.  (It’s rubber-stamped with the name of the person who did the quality inspection — back in the days when people, not numbers, checked things over before they were sold.)  I’m happy to have it, but I’m even happier that I won’t be paying a fortune for the rest of the rods I wanted.

Total cost for my supplies?  Less than seven dollars, including the brand new roll of tape.


“My Double” Instruction Booklet

Miss Bedelia: My New Dress Form

A Tale of Two Dummies

Posted in DIY, Tools | 7 Comments

A Tale of Two Dummies

Now that I am finally the size I was meant to be (and was, for what were previously the healthiest years of my adult life), I thought it would be interesting to compare my “dummies”.  I haven’t been the same size as my Duct Tape Dummy for a long time, but it was still a shock to see the difference between the two:

Miss Bedelia, the My Double dress form, is set at my actual height.  My unnamed Duct Tape Dummy is higher, but it’s still possible to compare the shapes.  You can see that they are essentially the same; the DTD is just, well, thickened everywhere.

There are only ten to twelve  pounds difference between those two dummies, but on someone as relatively small as I am, that’s a big difference.  It’s probably closer to an extra 20 or 30 pounds on someone with a larger frame and larger bones than I have.  Here’s the back view:

When I was a young girl, I took one semester of classes at a very good dancer’s school in San Francisco.  (Childhood wasn’t so competitive then; they’d let anyone in.)  All I remember from that course was my report card, in which the instructor had written something like “Noile must learn to pull in her derrière”.

I had to laugh when I saw these dummies side by side — it’s not so obvious in the well-padded DTD, but, oh, yes, there is that derrière!  Though my upper body posture has improved in the last few years, I’ve clearly still got some work to do when it comes to tucking in that backside:

Can we say “swayback”??  Yikes!

Fitting the My Double dummy took two of us; it’s virtually impossible to do it alone.  (We’ve done it twice, now.)  Mr. Noile pinched, pushed, and pulled very patiently, and then we unsnapped it and sprung me from the carapace.

Mr. Noile was impressed when we were done:  “The amazing thing”, he said, “is that it looks just like you!”.  He’s right; it really does.  Or rather, it would if I were made of wire mesh.

When I reassembled Miss Bedelia on her stand, I checked the waist against my own measurement, and quickly realized that she was about two inches larger all around than my own body.

That made sense.  You can’t really press the wire sufficiently into skin in order to replicate a body perfectly.  However, you can get the basic shape, so all I did was evenly pinch out the extra inches where shaping was not an issue (mostly, that is, in the sides).   I checked every measurement carefully against my own as I worked, and soon Miss Bedelia was ready to go.


“My Double” Instruction Booklet

Miss Bedelia: My New Dress Form

Replacement Rods for “My Double” Dress Form

(Yes, the weight loss was deliberate, and very slow, over many months. I decided that I didn’t want to age with the burden of additional weight damaging my joints, affecting my coordination, and limiting my ability to be active and flexible.

Yes, it’s a pain.  Yes, it requires constant attention, and a complete review of what “portion size” means to those of us who live in the abundant USA.  But it is worth it.  It’s also worth doing it very slowly.  Unless you change habits, no “diet” will prevent weight from returning.

No “diet” here, by the way.  Just eating reasonably healthy food, recording everything I ate — accountability makes a huge difference — and  controlling portion sizes without fail.  I used the budget plan — so many calories a day to “spend”, and nothing eaten after that total was reached — three meals and a small snack, and no eating after 7 PM.  If I stayed up too late and wanted a snack, I reminded myself that I’d have another chance to “spend” calories tomorrow.  This is the lifetime plan, not the get-skinny-for-the-next-event plan.

The trick was finding out what worked best for me, long-term, not trying to adapt to someone else’s idea of what you might find satisfying.  The difficult part for me was identifying which tastes I love; I had a hard time, at first, learning what I enjoyed tasting, since I used to eat without paying much attention.  Then I gradually began slipping these new, enjoyable, flavors into my diet, and training myself to notice and enjoy them.

Oh, also critical for me:  identifying non-food rewards.  If over-eating is how you get through the day, it makes a big difference if you replace detrimental choices with other interests or diversions. Just eliminating bad food choices usually isn’t enough, long-term, for people like me who, for instance, tend to think of sugar as the food of the deities.  It’s really important to replace bad choices with good ones; just trying to eliminate the bad choices/habits usually doesn’t work too well for humans.

By the way, a fascinating book about related issues is “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg.  It’s a great read for anyone who wonders why habits are so hard to break.  However, I think the oft-mentioned Target anecdote — it’s about a teen pregnancy — is probably apocryphal.   Just my opinion.)

Posted in Fun, Tips, Tools | 6 Comments

Whimsical Purse Mod

I love Baggallini purses; there’s one for (almost) every occasion, and I own way too many as a result.  Usually I want a purse that can be used as a shopping bag as well as a handbag, and Baggallini has plenty of those, but sometimes I want the most minimal thing possible.  That would be Baggallini’s surprisingly well-thought-out Teenee Baggallini.

What I don’t like on this small bag, though, is that metal plate on the front.  It snags inside my purses when I use the Teenee as a wallet, and it adds an unwanted few ounces when I’m wearing it cross-body.  So I remove them.  This is tricky, but possible if you’re careful.

First I take a small, thin, screwdriver and carefully lift the plate from the front of the bag.  Then I cut a very, very small slit in the lining behind the nameplate and gently pull the logo support from the back, on the inside.

This leaves two holes in the front of the bag, and a small slit in the back.  I use a bit of clear repair tape over the slit in the back ( you can buy it at camping/recreational supply stores).  Because these bags are kicky and fun, I cover the two holes left in the front with an embroidered patch from Demeritwear.

Here is the cookies and milk  badge for my orange bag:

I choose this one for the color, of course, but I also for the whimsy of the motif.  The embroidery is bright and clear; the patches are meant to be ironed-on, but I hate ironing stuff, so I just stitch them in place.

If you don’t know Demeritwear, you should!  They make cheerful, kooky, silly and yes, even dippy, little “merit badge” patches for all occasions.  (Theoretically they are “demerit badges” — maybe because scouting has the originals all wrapped up? — and there’s a story, but it’s not necessary to go into that here.  Check out the website if you’re curious.)

These nicely made embroidered badges would be fun as faux buttons on tee shirt shoulders (or amusing faux epaulet-like decorations) , as identifiers on kids’ back packs or lunch bags, as logos on jackets, hoodies, or sweatshirts, or as a decorative touch on rear jeans pockets.  I use them on and in my packing system, too, so that I can tell what’s in my packing cubes.

Other ways I’ve used these badges:

Case Mod

Packing Cube ID

Disclosure:  Please read it a the bottom of the Case Mod post.

Posted in Accessories, Bags, DIY, Fun | 2 Comments

ABdPM 40033: Tank Dress With Contrast Skirt

This is another pattern from the wonderful French company Au Bonheur des Petites Mains.  Here’s my dress:

And here’s ABdPM’s version (from their defunct website)::

This pattern didn’t come in the box-style case of my previous ABdPM patterns; instead there was a folder in a cello sleeve:

The folder isn’t as much fun as the box, but the folder is really a lot more practical, and probably a bunch cheaper to mail to North America than the previous packaging was.  The post on patterns from other continents tends to be terribly expensive, even for lightweight stuff.

I’d thought, from seeing it on the Au Bonheur website, that the skirt must be a balloon-type, but the pouf at the hem is made using a gore on the left side with a deep dart in it,  cutting the rest of the skirt asymmetrically,  then tucking up the lower edge.  There’s a button on the lower right that holds the lifted hem in place.  It’s the button to the right, above.

Here’s the back view (at an odd angle, sorry, but you can see the fullness of the skirt better this way):

Once I got oriented, this dress was actually simple to construct.  There’s a bodice, a mid-skirt, a lower skirt, and a triangular gore on the left side.    Assembly is pretty basic,  just attaching each layer to the next, so there really aren’t any serious sewing challenges here.

However, there are a few other oddities — like, what on earth is this side of the skirt supposed to do?

The bodice drops below the waist on one side in a sort of a prong shape; you join the front and back here, and then the mid section of the skirt. And then .  .  . major drooping.  It wasn’t interesting, it was just limp.  Is it me?  Is it the pattern?  I don’t know , but I’m very happy with the fix, which was to pull up the droop, form a tuck, and tack a button to hold it  in place:

I liked the result, and it looks a whole lot better worn than the peculiar droop — although maybe the “prong” would have worked if my lower skirt were a more stable woven?  (Which is actually what the pattern calls for, so this result is probably squarely on my fabric choice.)

I used a third strategic button.  This version was meant as a sort of a muslin (when will I learn?), and I assembled it entirely on my serger.   So I didn’t baste where many seams met at the side — and I hate mis-matched seams!  It was only off by a very little bit, but no way was I going to unpick the serging, though, so I disguised the problem with a button:

This is the triangular insert on the left side.

Directions are sketchy, even if you read French, and the trickiest part is figuring out which pieces you cut from which fabric.  ABdPM uses a knit for the top section, a “fantasie” woven contrast for the main part of the skirt, and a solid woven for the smaller/lower skirt pieces.

I used a lycra/rayon knit for both the top and the smaller/lower  pieces, and a chiffon for the draped panels, underlying it so that the skirt wouldn’t be transparent.

I still have no idea how ABdPM means to have the armholes and neck finished — at one point, the directions just say “finish the garment”!  — and I decided to use bias tape.  I’m not happy about it; next time I’ll line the bodice instead.  At one time I could do anything at all with bias tape, but with several permanently damaged fingers I don’t quite have the control I used to.  Bah!

The armhole is quite deep; too deep for me, and unfortunately I didn’t notice this in time to cut it correctly.  I wear humungo-bras instead of cute little French ones, so I ended up adding inserts to raise the edge of the dress.  It’s not something I would normally recommend, but I think I got away with it on this dress.

Another fit note:  Before the hem is tucked up, the dress is very long.  The longest point nearly touched the floor when the dress was on my dummy, which is just a little taller than I am.   I was highly dubious when I realized just how long it really was, though I love the final result.

ABdPM patterns are printed without seam allowances; I put a non-woven, sheer grid over the pattern and traced my seam allowances onto the grid, marking any additional information I needed about each pattern piece as I went.  I used the non-woven pattern pieces as a muslin, and then used them to cut out my fabric.

Anyone sews with Au Bonheur patterns will find  Shams’ glossary to be very helpful; she’s the go-to person for ABdPM info.  Read it through, and refer to it, and you’ll be able to figure out most of what you need to know; Google Translate is helpful, too, but you may need some background in French to work things out if you’re not a relatively experienced sewist.

Sadly, Au Bonheur apparently went out of business in 2011.  I’m glad that I bought a slew of their patterns as soon as they were available — that’s a good rule of thumb when buying from independent pattern companies whose lifespan may be short.

Posted in ABdPM, Dresses | 10 Comments

Customized Zipper Pull for My Minoru

I like to have an extension on the zippers I use, particularly if I may wear gloves when trying to open them, or if the pockets are inside, and a little tricky to get to.  But the plain black tabs that can be purchased at places like REI or EMS are sometimes just too boring.  I like a little hidden pizazz:

These tabs are actually very easy to customize.  Here’s what the they look like, straight from the package:

All you do is pry open the tab, pull out the cord it came with, and then replace the cord with whatever color you wish, and pinch the tab back together.  You’ll have to set the cord in the channels in the tab precisely, but that’s easy to do,  with a little care.

If you’re replacement cord is too thick to pull through the zipper pull  in a doubled loop, run a single strand of cord right through the hole in the zipper pull, then pinch the tab together.  That’s what I did for the inside pockets on my Minoru jacket.

Posted in Jackets, Tops | 6 Comments

You’re Never Too Decrepit

. . .  to get off the couch.  Really!  You might just need to experiment (even if it’s for years) to find the thing you love.

Today I did  my first long solo ride of the year:  22.43 miles.  Whoo-hoo!

Sadly, if I’d just ridden 2.57 more miles, I would have done a “quarter century”.  Next time!

Afterward, I came home and did my regular exercises:  Ralf Hennig’s Four Way Burn — it’s a perfect program for uncoordinated, exercise-phobic people. It doesn’t seem hard at all, but, gradually, over time, very interesting changes occur.

After four months of Ralf’s program, my muscles work together in ways I’d never dreamed they could.  Roughly 20 pleasurable minutes every other day, folks, and it’ll change your life.  (Ralf’s book is hard to find, but you can get it on Amazon for practically nothing.)

I’ve always looked kind of trim, but that didn’t mean I was healthy.  A year ago I thought walking up and down stairs was “exercise”.  Now I’m flexible and almost fit.  Who wudda guessed it?

Posted in Adventure/Travel | 8 Comments

Burda Polo Triplet

I’ve been away, and working on several projects of various kinds that aren’t yet finished, but one thing I did manage to do before I left was to knock off a couple more of my favorite tops, from BurdaStyle’s 09/2010 issue, pattern number 121.  These make up incredibly fast, and wear sooooo comfortably!

I used the cotton/poly/spandex cord mentioned in this post, but carefully examined each bolt so that I didn’t end up with the fade stripe on the fabric I took home.  (It took trips to three different JoAnn stores to find bolts without the fade issue!).  These three are a dark purple, gray, and black — great basic colors.  This “winter” has been so warm that I probably won’t be wearing them again until next fall, but they’re ready to go when the weather turns cool again.

By the way, there are more Minoru Jackets up on my round-up post today.  Take a look, and see what people have done with Tasia’s fantastic pattern!  (Scroll to the bottom to see the newest additions.)

Posted in Tops | Leave a comment

Minoru Jacket Around The World

More Minoru Jackets! Scroll to the bottom to see (updated 17 March) (and again on March 20)

Two more (September 5); Scroll to the bottom to see.

Ever wanted to make outerwear, but didn’t know where to start?  Sewaholic’s Minoru  jacket is spectacular for inspiration.  Don’t believe me?  Look at all the different variations people have made over the last few months since the pattern was released.  It’s a wonderfully drafted pattern, and within the reach of advanced beginners.   I love, love, love this pattern!

Click on associated links to go to each sewist’s blog to get all the goods on the Minoru choices each made.

Here’s mine (USA), to start things off, of purple corduroy with a red floral lining and added external pockets.  I made many small changes and added a few features; you can read the details beginning here:

KristenMakes (UK) a perfect country coat, updating a traditional classic with corduroy elbow patches and collar facing, and adding a flannel lining:

Damselfly’s Delights (Canada) put a batik lining in her Minoru, and added  inseam pockets:

four square walls (USA) Andrea B’s version is tweed, with a bold lining, and cute pockets from remnants (this is where I got my own pocket inspiration):

Sophia Sews (USA), with re-drafted lower front, vertical pockets (take a look; they are incredibly RTW!), and zebra lining:

Savory Stitches (USA) used a bold cotton print with dark gray rayon lining:

Beau Baby (USA) made hers in bright orange denim, with a print contrast (she lined the hood, but otherwise made the pattern exactly as designed):

Sew I Think I Can Sew (Canada) made hers with a splashy floral cotton lining and side seam pockets:

Did you make that? (UK) Minoru, the luxury version, made with camel wool and a silk lining:

JuliaBobbin (Australia) proves that  luxe doesn’t have to be silk, with a gilt skull and crossbones lining, and a whimsical button on the pocket:

Nikol, of Hubbahubbadingdong (USA), made her Minoru of scarlet velvet (re-purposed curtains!  you go, girl!) with a golden silky lining:

Sewly a Harpist (USA) went for iridescent polka dots and a pink lining:

Stitch and Witter (UK) made hers of gray corduroy with royal and white polka dot lining:

My Own Inspiration (Australia) is charcoal marle gabardine with a nifty cotton lining, and welt pockets:

biblioblog’s (USA) is of uncut rust cord and leopard lining (go peek — it’s wonderful):

SewMentalMama (Ireland) made hers waterproof (click the link for great advice on waterproofing), of bright coated cotton, and put the hood on the outside, using hook and loop tape at the bottom of the collar, instead of pulling the hood through a zipper (she also shortened the jacket above the waist):

How good is that? (Australia) added additional zipper pockets to her Minorou; check her blog for tips (great idea for travel!):

MalleQ (Denmark) made  Minarou the Parka  with a faux fur-trimmed hood, faux fur lining, thinsulate for warmth, and hot pink zipper trim:

Rocket Sews (Australia) did a serious job of making proper outerwear of her Minoru, with waterproofing, reflective piping, welt  pockets with flap, hood toggles, and a zipper underlay (she also chose to leave the cuffs off):

The Traveling Seamstress (USA) denim made chic, with coordinating cozy plaid flannel lining:

Needles and Haystacks (Ireland) choose a gray and rust print corduroy with a polka dot lining, and made a cuff-less version without the hood:

Nette (Germany) made her Minoru of camel-colored linen, and added a cotton floral lining:

It’s a Sewing Life (USA) used raincoat fabric, added side pockets, and decided against the interior pockets:

Alison Rea Mason (Canada) went for bright red with a metallic zipper (and says she’s ordered fabric to make another Minoru):

Sew Fearless (USA) made hers in a rich, blackberry corduroy, with a matching zipper, and a marvelous striped lining (you can just see a hint here):

sew make believe (UK) used cotton drill with piping down the front, a striped lining, and in-seam pockets:

Sew Well (USA) made this smashing version, and has a pocket tutorial on her blog, as well:

bubala’s (Australia) Minoru is denim, with a flash polka dot lining, and glorious topstitching:

Wendy, of west 38th (USA) made a canvas hooded raincoat with a great cloud lining, and a zipped interior pocket:

PepperTreeRoad (Australia) made hers in crisp red and white, and added in-seam pockets:

Last (for now), but by  no means least, is Miss Jackson’s version (Japan) which also goes all the way to parka, made in grey, with faux fur trim, plaid lining, faux-flapped pockets, strapped cuffs, and a buttoned flap over the zipper:

More arriving!  I added this latest batch on 17 March.

Here’s Christina’s from this, that, the other thing (USA).  Hers is tan, with Kelly green zippers (for the side pockets, too!), a subdued plaid lining, and Kelly green rayon bemberg sleeve linings:

From Mama Pluis (The Netherlands), a raspberry version with a tiny floral print lining (made with a hood but without pockets):

VickikateMakes (UK) a version in waterproofed cotton canvas (using NikWax), and with the body lined in an argyle cotton flannel, and (whoo-hoo!) reflective zippers.  (She also did an FBA, and shortened the torso and sleeves)::

La Petite Chouette (Canada) made her Minoru jacket of red polyester, with a a polka dot lining (black mini dots on white)

New additions, March 20:

From Steph A, at escapades in sewing (Canada), a Minoru with super polka dots lining (or maybe they are bubbles?  glorious, in any case!).  The fiber is a micropolyester/cotton blend, and the lining is quilting cotton; sleeves and collar are lined in black Bemberg; lined hood and side seam pockets:

From Stitch me Softly (UK), red cotton twill with a brushed plaid lining, side seam pockets, and no hood:

LEC’s Miscellany (USA) made hers out of red wool crepe, with a joyous starburst (or are they chrysanthemums?)  lining of quilting cotton, and metal zippers:

scuffsan (Sweden) used nylon for the exterior, for water repellency, a floral cotton for the lining, and black polyester in the sleeves to make it easy to get the jacket on and off.  She added outside welt pockets, using a bit of lining for a cute touch beneath the flaps:

Tasia does not recommend plaids for this pattern, but take a look at what Pauline of Dessine-moi un bouton (France) did, using a subtle wool plaid (she calls this her “Sherlock Minoru”) and gold Bemberg lining:

Added March 29

Susan (USA), of Knitters Delight finished her Minoru.  It’s got a hood, and a gorgeous abstract lining (you might have to look for an earlier post to get a good look a the lining.) She made side seam pockets, and pleated the neck instead of gathers.  She’s also planning her next Minoru:

Adrienne (Canada), of All Style and All Substance, made hers of black oil cloth.  She calls it the “Catwoman” Minoru — whoo-hoo!  Check her blog for tips on working with the fabric; she skipped the cuffs as an accommodation to the material.  Adrienne made her Minoru in one weekend!

CherryPix (USA) made hers of black twill, lined with poly polka dots with a gingham lining for the hood and collar:

Lindsay Pindsay’s (USA) Minoru is gray twill with a bright yellow and black lining, slippery fabric in the sleeves, an unlined hood, and side seam pockets:

Annabellebumps (USA) chose pink cotton twill with a pink and green mini-print lining, and a two-way front xipper:

Sew Brusnwick (Australia) wanted a light summer jacket, and used a “pale pink/beige/mauve” cotton and metal (!) crinkle fabric with a Japanese cotton lining:

Suzy (UK) of Suzy Patterns used Leopard fleece, with a pale yellow poly lining. She kept her Minoru simple, skipping the hood and inside pockets when she made this cozy (and sexy!) version:

Two more, from Susanna (Sweden).  Here’s the first, in a vibrant red (Susanna’s lining, in keeping with Minoru tradition, is excellent — go to her blog to see it):

Susanna’s latest Minoru is this mixed print version. Love the way these prints pop!

This is my inspiration archive — I know I’ll be making another Minoru!  I hope all these marvelous jackets inspire others, too.

Got a Minoru you’d like added to the list?  Leave a comment, and I’ll put it in the post with a link to your blog.

These examples don’t include Tasia’s pattern testers:  Click over to Sewaholic and search on Minoru to see even more brilliant jackets.

Posted in Jackets | 32 Comments

Ten Minute Skirt (Almost)

Rhonda, of Rhonda’s Creative Life, posts a free pattern — instructions, really — nearly every Friday.  In the midst of making my Minoru, I wanted something I could knock off fast, and call “finished”.  This skirt was perfect:  It’s made of eight bandanas sewn together, and required no hemming at all.

(If buying really cheap bandanas, as I did, check the hems carefully.  Many will be sewn badly, but you’ll be able to find eight that are fine.  Trust me.)  Here’s a (lopsided) close up of the lower skirt:

It’s pinned to my duct tape dummy; unfortunately, it and I are no longer the same size.  Or maybe that’s a good thing?  Anyway, there’s a new DDD in my future — just not now.

Stitch the bandanas according to Rhonda’s instructions, add a casing for elastic, and wear it.  What could be easier? And what could be better for those long hot days of summer than a weightless, airy skirt?

Rhonda’s skirt is stunning — she found, and used, much more wonderful bandanas than I turned up:

Kind of puts mine to shame, doesn’t it?  There’s the rub:  I had a terrible time trying to find bandanas that 1) didn’t scream “bandana” and 2) weren’t pink camo or covered in skulls.  Also, I was only willing to spend one dollar each for this trial run.

With Rhonda’s eye, though, and a little more dedication to finding the right thing, just imagine what you could do!

Shams, of Communing With Fabric, has a tablecloth skirt tutorial that is similarly wonderful, though different.  It’s on my list, too, but finding an appropriate tablecloth has proven difficult.  I want a plaid, and I’m picky about my plaids.

Posted in Skirts | 6 Comments

My Minoru Jacket

It’s finished!  I wore it out today, and I loooove this garment!  It’s everything I hoped it would be, and next year I plan to make an actual parka from the pattern.  Here’s the front view, with the hood inside the collar (my poor dummy is a bit tipsy, and I generally forget this when I take pictures — please forgive us both):

As designed, the Minoru has no pockets.  I added very large exterior pockets (and a floating pocket on the inside,  too).  There’s no way I was ever going to adapt to a jacket with no outside pockets.  Mine are too big, probably, and  I had to reduce the size of the hem because the pockets interfered with the top-stitching.   (My jacket is about an  inch longer than the pattern should have been.)  This length is prefect on me, though, and I’ll keep it for the next one.

The fabric is a dark purple corduroy from JoAnn’s (with no apparent flaws!), and the lining is a print poly from stash.  I’ve had it for a long time, and have no idea where it came from originally.  Why did I buy it?  No clue at all.  But, hey, my new jacket counts as stash-busting, so I’m not complaining.

Here’s the back view, with the hood rolled into the collar:

I worried about those shoulder gathers, suspecting that they might be bulky, or look frumpy, once the jacket was made up.  They don’t; not on mine,  nor on any of the others I’ve seen.  Tasia did something clever in the back, too:  The gathers don’t extend all the way across the center back.  As  a result, there’s no extra emphasis there.  Nice if you’re round-shouldered!

Here’s the front view, with the collar open:

The pattern calls for an unlined hood, and that might be fine, but, for me, part of the fun of this jacket was the wacky lining, and, anyway, the thought of a single layer of corduroy for a hood just didn’t hold any appeal at all.  The hood is over-sized — really over-sized  — so some people might want to alter that.  I love the Jedi look,  though, so I left it as-is.

All of my knock-around jackets have shock cords so that the waist can be cinched, but, no matter what, when I wear them, they still look like chunky rectangles.  I LOVE that the Minoru has a defined waist!  Although Sewaholic’s patterns are designed for the pear-shaped woman, there was so much ease in the bust of this size 10 that I was able to make it without an FBA.  The hip is really roomy, but since I wanted to add a pocket for my wallet in the “skirt”, that worked in my favor, too.

I added the red shock cord and toggles (details below).   I’m  not sure how you’d get the hood to stay up without them, but this was also a great chance to use some colorful hardware I had lying around.

Here’s a glimpse of the inside of the jacket:

The corduroy pocket above is part of the pattern; I added a floating pocket, large enough for my wallet, to the other side of the jacket, below a small pocket identical to this one (details  below).  I was hoping this would be a “no bag, just throw it on” kind of coat, and that has worked out perfectly, thanks to my additional pockets.

The most critical things you need to know about this pattern:

~ This jacket uses a ton of thread.  I bought two 500m spools of Gutermann Sew-All, and there’s not much thread left.   I don’t even remember how many bobbins I wound.

~ The pattern illustration shows the jacket zipper level with the bottom edge of the jacket.  You’ll need a longer zipper if you want that look; the instructions are for a zipper that stops well short of the hem.

~ I love me some long sleeves, but the Minoru’s are gorilla long.  Normally, I add sleeve length; not in this case.  I shortened these sleeves.  Check before you cut.

~ If you follow the pattern directions for the collar, the interfacing on the lining side (or on the wrong side of your fabric, if you don’t interface) will show when you wear the hood out.  If you don’t want that look,  you’ll need to line both sides of the collar.  Allow enough lining; the collar’s big.

~ The hood itself is humongous.  If you intend to line it, plan for that when you buy your lining material.

~ As designed, the pattern has no pockets.  If you want  them, plan for them when you buy your fabric, unless you choose to add in-seam, hidden pockets.

I made a lot of modifications to my jacket, but not to the pattern itself  (other than adding the exterior pockets).  Below are some of the details, followed by a list of all the changes I made.

Instead of making a self-fabric loop, I used a piece of flat cord.  I use loops to hang my jackets all the time, so I wanted something super-sturdy, and also something thin enough to slip onto small hooks:

This type of braid is hard to find.  Sometimes it’s available at office supply stores, attached to identification sleeves meant for use by people attending business meetings, and sometimes it’s attached to really, really bad hooks or “charms” meant for use as key chains (think any junk store like Walmart, Kmart, dollar stores).  I stock up when I see them, as I frequently have use for the braid.

The seam line in the center back, above, isn’t  in the pattern.  It’s  the pleat I added to the lining for wearing ease.

For the hood, I added elastic shock cord (red!) threaded through a tiny, interfaced, button hole.  The bead at the end keeps the compression toggle from sliding off..

Where did I find the toggle?  I always check the clearance bins in electronics departments — they are a treasure trove of dumped cords, hardware, etc., for iPods and the like. This particular toggle is from a set of six different colors which came with matching cords.  The set was a dollar, which made this perfect little piece a real bargain, even if I never use the several fluorescent colors that came with it!

Apart from all the extras I can’t help but add, there was one serious blip in the design of the pattern.  If you follow the pattern instructions, but choose to interface the collar facing, this is what you’ll see when the hood is pulled out, and not on your head:

Uuuuugly, non?  That’s interfacing looking at you.  Too bad I didn’t think this out before I sewed the lining to the jacket. When I realized what was going on,  I hadn’t done the final turn, so I cut another collar piece of my (fortunately very thin) lining, and hand-tacked it in place.  The final topstitching will hold it where it belongs, but this is sooooo the wrong way to do this.  Add the lining to the inner collar when you add the interfacing.  It’s much better that way.

Here’s the zippered, internal, floating pocket I added to hold my wallet.  It’s supported by an interfaced corduroy band (sorry about the pins — at this point I hadn’t attached the small pockets that are part of the pattern:)

This pocket really is symmetrical.  I don’t know what’s up with the rumple!   The pocket just floats inside the coat, easily accessible, but totally secure.

Here’s the list of changes I made to the Minoru pattern:

~ Shortened the loooong sleeves (if you do this, remember to alter the lining, too)

~ Added a shock-cord drawstring, and toggles, to the hood

~ Customized the interior pockets to conform to the way I use them (sewed the included interior pockets a bit larger  than the pattern piece, and made a floating, zipped pocket in the lining).  I can’t remember if the pattern calls for two small interior pockets, or one.  I made one one each side.

~ Replaced the self-fabric neck loop (cute!) with a more practical one made of nylon braid (I use these loops a lot)

~ Added a center back pleat to the lining for wearing ease (I goofed this up, and made it too narrow)

~ Added biiiig exterior pockets

~ Added a loop inside each exterior  pocket to secure keys, subway passes, etc.

~ Used a two-way separating zipper.  When I sit down, to drive, for example, the last thing I want is my coat bunching up around my hips.

~ Altered the too-long zipper I had to buy to get the length I wanted

~ Took the zipper to the lower edge of the jacket, since it can be opened from either end

~ Raised the waist elastic by about 2.25 cm

~ Took a smaller hem because my big pockets turned out to be tooo big!

The sew-along, my first, was kind of a bust.  It started in mid-January, and was supposed to conclude about a month later — a nice leisurely pace.  It still wasn’t finished when I posted this, on March 5, and Sewaholic’s Tasia has indicated it will finish around mid-March.   I probably won’t do a sew-along again — for me, the point was to maintain some sort of momentum, and this one didn’t meet that goal very well.  Although I started late, waiting for the next installment got very frustrating.  Tasia’s directions are excellent, though, and her tutorial (start here with step #1) should be a perfect supplement to the generally more spare pattern directions.  I’ll add a link to it once the sew-along is over.

Pocket details here:  Exterior Pockets for the Minoru

Various pocket options here: Minoru Pockets

Shortening the zipper here:  Minoru Zip

Related:  Minoru Sew-Along

Buy the Minoru Pattern here (I don’t get a cut!  It’s a great pattern, though, and you should own it!)

Posted in Coats/Capes/Wraps, Jackets | 13 Comments