You’re Never Too Decrepit

. . .  to get off the couch.  Really!  You might just need to experiment (even if it’s for years) to find the thing you love.

Today I did  my first long solo ride of the year:  22.43 miles.  Whoo-hoo!

Sadly, if I’d just ridden 2.57 more miles, I would have done a “quarter century”.  Next time!

Afterward, I came home and did my regular exercises:  Ralf Hennig’s Four Way Burn — it’s a perfect program for uncoordinated, exercise-phobic people. It doesn’t seem hard at all, but, gradually, over time, very interesting changes occur.

After four months of Ralf’s program, my muscles work together in ways I’d never dreamed they could.  Roughly 20 pleasurable minutes every other day, folks, and it’ll change your life.  (Ralf’s book is hard to find, but you can get it on Amazon for practically nothing.)

I’ve always looked kind of trim, but that didn’t mean I was healthy.  A year ago I thought walking up and down stairs was “exercise”.  Now I’m flexible and almost fit.  Who wudda guessed it?

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8 Responses to You’re Never Too Decrepit

  1. LindaC says:

    You inspired me to check out this book. Do you have any suggestions on a medicine ball? I’m looking forward to some “interesting changes.” 🙂

    • Noile says:

      Linda C, I picked up a four-pound ball at a local sporting goods store. The weight is important — author Ralf Hennig says it is unsafe for anyone but an elite athlete to use one that weighs more. After following the program, I can see why, because you are doing a lot of extensions where some weight is desirable, but excess weight could clearly cause harm.

      He used to sell a “performance ball” that was only four pounds, but the size of a large basketball. Apparently, he’s working on marketing that again; the larger size, with the right weight, would be helpful for many of the exercises. I’m short, though, and there are a few exercises I can only do with the smaller ball (crossing the weight under legs, etc.).

      Be patient! If you’ve done programs before where you see muscles popping up immediately, this won’t be like that. The results from this program are much more all-encompassing, and appear much more subtly. I hope you find it as rewarding as I have!

  2. I haven’t done my first ride of Spring yet, so jealous! I need to find some time in my no-time schedule. 🙁

  3. Mary says:

    Love your bike! And..this post is going to motivate me to go for a real walk today rather than a stroll with my 14 year old dog.

  4. KC says:

    Go Metric! You have ridden more than a third of a metric century. Way to go!

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