I’m supposed to be participating in the Minoru Sew-Along, but a variety of things have conspired to keep me from tagging along as Tasia leads the group. I’ve cleared the decks, mostly, but am stymied at the moment because this jacket really needs pockets.
Tasia provided a link to Amy’s tutorial for in-seam pockets (which includes a downloadable pattern for the pocket), but I really am not crazy about the idea of having the pockets in the side seams. It can work, but . . . eh.
So I’ve decided to do what any good researcher would: Survey the literature. Here’s what I found:
Michele, of My Own Inspiration, added welt pockets to her Minoru. They’re beautifully done, but I’m not so sure that I’m in the mood at the moment for something so fiddly. I think the welt style works perfectly with the Minoru, though, and probably suits it best. I like the Minoru lines very much, and the welt preserves them nicely.
Rocket Sews is making a rain jacket from the Minoru pattern, and made a welt pocket with a flap; she matched her lively print so well that the pocket is almost invisible!
Andrea B, of four square walls, made patch pockets, using an accidental shape that’s rather cute. She used scraps, and ended up with a fun and funky touch on her jacket.
Sophia Sews took a look at another pattern, and re-cut the bottom of the Minoru’s front to make a different version of in-seam pockets. Clever — and also puts the pockets into a very natural position for use.
All good ideas, but what do I want? I’ve got some thinking to do . . .
I am not working on the Minoru, but I am in complete agreement, it needs pockets. If it was me, I would make the patch pockets (maybe with a zipper closure?), mainly because inseam and welt pockets almost always develop holes for me, and I hate fixing them. Hope this is some help to you.
Thanks for your comment, ElleC. I agree with you, and I’m leaning toward patch pockets. I’m toying with the idea of using zippers — large-toothed red ones, but short, of course — on the pockets, to match the hood and front zips, but I’m a little worried that it will read “kindergarten” more than “fun”. I’ll have to do some serious testing to figure out what I can get away with.
I tried on a jacket I love in a store today. It didn’t have pockets, either, and, although it fit (and felt) wonderful — and was a marvelous technical wool, hugely remaindered — I couldn’t buy it. My hands knew there weren’t any pockets, and it drove them nuts!