Reality Check

A lot of people have asked me to post a picture wearing my clown pants, so here it is.  I was fooling around when Mr. Noile was taking my picture, and when I saw the result, I realized that my pose was the complete antithesis of the photo on the pattern envelope.

First, one top is tucked in and one isn’t; one top has sleeves, and the other doesn’t;  one set of arms is tossed outward, one is folded inward; one set of  feet are together and one isn’t; one model is 5”9″, one is (*cough) shorter; one coif — well, we’re not going to get personal here.  Here are the two images, side by side, for the full effect:

Reality check!  Professional model versus the amateur who just got back from a picnic.   Can you tell the difference??  (Hint: the amateur is wearing water-safe Keens, whilst the professional has on a very cool pair of spectator shoes.  Happy to help!)

It’s just possible that these pants weren’t meant to be worn with a common tee shirt, or to a picnic full of Linux users.  Whatever.  They’re the most comfortable thing I’ve worn for alfresco dining in 75 degree weather in a long time.

I’m posting a couple of views of just the pants (modeled, that is, by the amateur) below, so that you can see them without distraction.

I’ve just noticed for the first time that the pants in the pattern photo don’t curve across the top of the foot — the hem is straight across.  On the other hand, you can barely make out the curve in the photo above because the hem is caught on the elastic pull tabs on the sandals.  Reality bites!

Also, I’ve just learned that white fabric is transparent, no matter how opaque it looks off a body.  Photos are so educational!

Here’s the back:

Didn’t get a good shot here with skin showing, but hey, this isn’t MPB and you won’t catch me encroaching on Peter’s turf (or his calendar plans.  You can thank me later.)

You can barely tell in the photo above, but the hem comes midway up my heel; exactly where I wanted it.

If you recall from my previous post, I trimmed quite a bit off the waist on these pants.  I think the next pair is going to get a fair bit chopped off the sides and legs, too.  I left a little more ease in the hips and legs than I probably should have for this pair; that was deliberate, as these have no give at all, and I really didn’t want fabric plastered to my body in summer heat.  I could shave another half inch off each side seam without losing the effect.  (“Ya think?” said Mr. Noile, with another of those eye rolls.  Hmmm.)

The tall amongst us should note that the proportions would be nicer with long legs, but these pants are so much fun, and so wonderful to wear, that shorties like me shouldn’t be discouraged.  Equal rights for all — that’s what makes this country great!

Previously:  Vogue 1116 – The Clown Pants!

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10 Responses to Reality Check

  1. Leda says:

    The pants are soooo cute on you!!!! They really look fun to wear and comfortable. I have this pattern, and now I am motivated to go ahead and and sew a pair. I have this lovely soft pink linen just waiting to be sewn into something comfortable.
    I found your blog yesterday, and spent the whole afternoon reading your adventures in sewing. Thank you so much for your tips and inspiration.

  2. ann smith says:

    I love them on you. We short-niks should not be deprived! I will make a pair too.

    • Noile says:

      Absolutely right, Ann — power to the short-niks! I can’t wait to see yours. You make all those wonderful things I want to, and wear them with such flair!

  3. Kyle says:

    You had me at “picnic full of Linux users”.

    • Noile says:

      Kyle, you should have been there! It was a Philadelphia Geeknic; alas, no other sewers. Well, at least no other obvious sewers. If somebody else had been wearing Vogue, I’m sure I would have noticed.

  4. margy houtz says:

    I LOVE your pants! I just ordered the pattern…one person’s “clown pants” is another person’s fun and funky pants…

  5. Shams says:

    You are brave, Noile, to put your photo side by side with the model’s photo. Funny too. 🙂 I do like these pants on you! I stopped at Ikea today to see if I could score some nice fabric in their as-is section, but no such luck. 🙂 Thanks for posting!

    • Noile says:

      Shams, keep checking that AS-IS room; you’re bound to turn up some good stuff. I often buy fabric there just to use for “muslins”; it’s amazingly cost-effective, and lets me play with colors and prints I wouldn’t otherwise use. And every now and then, there’s the perfect fabric for a real project . . .

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