A Sewing Weekend

I’m looking forward to an upcoming sewing event — it will be the first time in a long time that I’ve gathered with a group of sewists I haven’t met.

Because I’m awful at keeping people straight, I’m reading all the blogs I can find that are written by those who have signed up.  It’s really exciting to see how varied the attendees are, in every way.  All kinds of sewing styles, abilities, and interests are represented — it’s going to be a fun couple of days!  Here’s the list of blogs I’ve captured, below, in no particular order.  Have I missed anyone?


Lindsay T Sews

Sweet Notions

Adventures in Couture

Sewing by the Seat of my Pants

When Ladies Dressed

Dressed to a “Tee”

Happy Sewing, Happy Knitting

Diary of a Sewing Fanatic

Curtain to Coats (Deepika’s blog; made invitation-only on 4/9/2010)

Miss Celie’s Pants

The Slapdash Sewist


Another Creation

Vacuuming the Lawn

FabriCate & Mira

Nancy K Sews

sewl sista #1

Capitol Sew and Sew


Red’s Threads

The Mahogany Stylist

Mia’s Sewing Room

DD’s World

Sew Tawdry

La Cubanita Cose

Update — two blogs I didn’t catch earlier:

Shiela Crochetz Threadz & Knitz

Sew A Beginner

By the way, a note to Blogger bloggers:  Do you realize that you may be missing out on comments because of your settings?  If you don’t allow name/URL comments, and/or anonymous comments, people who don’t have (or who don’t want) Google IDs or Blogger IDs can’t contribute to your blog, or praise your work!  I often want to leave comments, but can’t because of the settings you’ve chosen.

Since many of you also don’t include any contact information, I can’t even let you know that I wanted to comment, but couldn’t.

By the way, a safe way to write an email address for contact purposes is to put it in your profile and write it out:  sewist [at] sewingblog [dot] com.  That makes it difficult  for spammers to collect your email in an automated fashion for their nefarious purposes.

Related:  A couple of geographically-related Noile posts — Organization, 1798 Style and Early Olfas and, also, Embellishments

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6 Responses to A Sewing Weekend

  1. Noile says:

    Thanks, Annette! I’m so sorry you missed the museum, but don’t worry — if PR Weekend Philadelphia becomes an annual event, the museum will never run out of amazing garments to show us!

  2. Annette says:

    What a terrific summary of this terrific weekend I’m still sorry to have missed the Museum – maybe another time?

  3. Connie B says:

    Hi Noile! It was great meeting you this weekend! What a great idea to put links to the participants. I am adding you to my blogroll if that is okay- I only put links to people I have met in person, so my blog roll isn’t uncontrollable. And again- that skirt you wore on Friday was amazing!

    • Noile says:

      Of course; I’m honored to be on your blogroll. Not to mention that I’m impressed with your filtering technique — and awed by the number of sewists you’ve met in person! It was great a real pleasure to meet you. Next year, Montreal!

  4. Annette says:

    I look forward to meeting you this weekend. Just curious – is my blog set up to limit comments? I’m pretty new at this so I could be locking out comments and wouldn’t even know.

    • Noile says:

      Hi, Annette — I just left a comment on your blog — so no, it’s not set up to limit them! You’re using WordPress, which is a lot more user-friendly than Blogger. I’m looking forward to meeting you this weekend, too. It should be a great couple of days!

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